Ceramic Sharks
A design born from numerous trials and errors in experimenting with ceramic glaze color changes. Throughout the process, several products were destroyed, but the end result was worth it. The overall meaning behind this design is to break the stereotype of the shark as a menacing creature and promote the spirit of environmental conservation and animal protection.
The Ceramic Shark serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting our oceans and the creatures that inhabit them. This design represents a shift in our mindset from fear to respect for these majestic creatures. The color-changing glaze adds a unique touch to each shark, making it a one-of-a-kind piece that is both beautiful and meaningful.
Ceramic Octopus
The Ceramic Octopus also represents the beauty and complexity of the natural world, and our connection to it. The similarities between the curves of the octopus and the human body serve as a reminder of our shared origins and the importance of protecting our planet and its creatures.
Wool Felt
Felt Wool Designs
A personal hobby and extension of my imagination. Each design showcases a unique and whimsical form that is both adorable and quirky.
Panda Twister
Stone Painting
Other Material